
News from the studio

Happy December to you!

I'm sorry I missed sending you an update in November, however, if your inbox was like mine there was a flood of emails about black friday sales and I didn't think anyone would care to read my news under those conditions. So here I am with an end of year December update instead.

I have been tinkering again with iMovie and put together a little video showing the progress of a painting I created for a wedding present. Such a joyous painting to work on!

After my exhibition in October, we popped over to NSW to visit some dear friends in Orange, then attended the wedding in the Hunter Valley. It was a lovely week and a great way to take a break after the flurry of  the exhibition. Speaking of my exhibition, a big thank you all so very much for coming along if you did, and for taking an interest in my art. It was such a great week and I loved it so much that I have booked the gallery again for late October next year. Stay tuned for dates and updates. 
My art studio is getting a makeover too, ready for the new year. My beloved Gavin has taken up this new project with gusto and made some wonderful progress. I have added a couple of photos for you. 

The new year will bring with it some more time for painting and creating as I trim down my naturopathic nutrition work to two days a week, leaving three week days for creative pursuits. I'm so excited to be able to spend more time in the studio, creating, painting and preparing for art events. 

I truly hope you have a happy and hopefully restful festive season. I'll be back in January with my next update. 

With love, Jan

Making of "Uplifted" - the wedding gift

For this painting I had fun creating texture first on the canvas. You can see some of the stages of the painting in my video. Just click on the image. 

The Exhibition Recap

I thought I would share a few photos of some happy buyers of my paintings. It is really so good see to my artworks going to their new home and also seeing the happy faces of the new owners. The comments about my artwork and exhibition were amazing and almost made me tear up in some cases. I appreciate the support so much.

New Look Studio

I've been lamenting about lack of space to paint in my art "studio" area at home. Then Gavin suggested I move my studio into our office / guestroom. I had a very large desk in that room which I used when I practiced from home before working at Remede Wellness and I don't often sit at that desk when I do work at home because I prefer to sit at the dining table overlooking our lovely courtyard. Having said that the office also looks over the courtyard - go figure!

This project is a case of be careful what you wish for. It has involved a lot of upheaval in that room including needing to sell the desk (sold last weekend - yay!) and a cabinet, and move a large bookcase plus downsize said bookcase contents to make way for art gear. And, go through years of paperwork in my filing cabinets which I'd been studiously avoiding. As you do. 

The room had a red brick wall which Gavin has since painted. He has also constructed a terrific wall easel which is designed so I can put any size canvas on there and move it around as needed. I can even have multiple canvases on the go at one time which is great for working on a series. Here's a couple of preliminary photos but not the finished studio set up yet. I'll share that with you next time. I can't wait to finish setting it up. Hooray!
Copyright © 2023 Jan Purser Art, All rights reserved.

PO Box 3, South Fremantle, Western Australia 6162

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